Friday, June 20, 2008


Few days back 萧敬腾 released his first album "萧敬腾" 同名专辑. From his first appearance of the tv at 超级星光大道 back then (see below for youtube video), i knew he will make it to the music scene due to his unique and powerful voice.

Of course he don look like this anymore and speaks more. Can you believe that people like 李偲菘、李伟嵩、马玉芬、陈伟、曹格、F.I.R./阿沁、五月天/阿信、苏打绿/青峰、小宇、陈镇川、邬裕康 helped out in composing and production of this album now?

Ok here are some songs i recommend from his album. The more 'rock' one: 【Blues】, the more catchy one: 【海芋恋】, the more romantic one: 【一辈子存在】. I didn't picked his main hit songs mainly I think that it's too overated =/ You can also listen the rest of the album here or from me. Have to thanks pris for sending me the album =x